I am Alex Apprich. Born 1975 somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Germany.
My main profession is IT. Quite an un-passionate and logic field – unless you are a hacker:
But as it sometimes happens in live and especially for people with a certain level of creativity in their souls – something great and live-changing happens!
In 2008 my daughter was born and I gifted myself a digital camera (DSLR) to get the most out of my beautiful, gorgeous child (yeah… every new Dad says that) for the memory book.
One led to the other and my creativity and new love were (re-)born.
I started to read up on photography and experimented myself through different areas in 2009 – HDR, Landscapes, Nature. My daughter of course was and is my most preferred model.
I started to observe light and shadow effects on and in my motives/models to decide what makes the difference in the results and mood.
Based on the positive reactions of my family and friends I was furthermore motivated to extend my passion above being a mere hobby and also to develop my personal style.
In 2013 I landed my first official assignment. The Ingolstadt City Theater requested me to photograph the rehearsals of two main shows of that year.
This first contract finally gave me the required boost to also work as a professional photographer – and as a result an “official” live passion.
More assignments followed, my Facebook page was born – and now also my personal web site after a few years of experience and personal development.
I am specialized in sensual black&white photography – mainly portraits.
I hope you enjoy what you will discover in my work!

― Agnes De Mille
Alex Apprich © 2013